This is a numerical representation of100%. 这是一个100%的数值表征。
Structural frame model with numerical representation of 2D molecular information and its application 分子二维结构信息数值化的结构框架模型法及其应用
Computer numerical representation for free-form surfaces 任意形状曲面的计算机数字表达
The numerical gap between the parametric equation and the approximate implicit representation may result in problems such as the unreliability in geometrical computation. Base on the practical need, the concepts interval implicitization of rational curves and surfaces are presented. 逼近隐式曲线曲面与参数曲线曲面的数值差距可导致几何计算不稳定性等问题,基于实际问题的需要,提出了参数曲线曲面区间隐式化的概念。
The key technique in a numerical simulation of the metal forming process is the mathematic representation of dies and dynamic forging geometry as well as the generation of meshes. 金属成形数值仿真技术的关键是对模具及动态变化的锻件构形进行数学描述和网格自动生成。
Numerical Representation System of Structure Force and Deformation 结构受力变形数值表征系统
In this paper, we first construct a new ana-lytical/ numerical model that characterizes mobile user behavior in a general state-space using a semi-Markov process representation. 该文将建立一个新的定量分析模型,用半马尔可夫过程和一般的状态空间来描述移动用户的行为;
In addition, it is shown from the formulae analysis and numerical calculation that the representation theorem of Hp functions implies the causality condition. 此外,从公式分析和数值模拟都表明,H~p函数的表示定理隐含了因果性条件。
A numerical method for determining wave forces on large vertical caissons of arbitrary-section is described based on two-dimensional wave source representation method. 本文基于二维源分布法给出了求解任意截面群墩结构波浪荷载的数值计算方法。
A study of the numerical analysis, programing and plotting software for the approximate representation of an ellipse 椭圆近似画法的数值解析及绘图系统中宏指令处理程序的研究
The rest of the parts of HSPC are also designed with numerical representation under the virtual manufacturing environment. 在高速摄影机设计领域首次完成了产品零件虚拟设计,得到了摄影机数字化零部件产品。
The results showed: 1.The comparison of numerical magnitudes made by children was influenced directly by their semantic representation of numbers. 结果表明:(1)幼儿一位数大小比较直接受其对数的语义表征的影响;
The high order approximate conditions for fractional differentials/ integrals are given and verified, and based on that the numerical formula of the state space representation of linear time-invariant fractional order systems is deduced. 给出并证明了分数阶微积分的高阶近似所应满足的条件,并在此基础上推导出分数阶线性定常系统状态空间描述的数值计算公式。
The numerical results of tested problems demonstrate that core power and criticality computations with new boundary conditions agree very well with those with the precise representation of the re-flector in nodal computations. 一些基准题的数值结果表明,以新的边界条件进行的堆芯功率和临界计算所得结果与精确表示反射层的节块计算结果符合良好。
At the same time, the quantum entanglement measure is a numerical representation of the quantum entanglement can be more convenient, intuitive features of entanglement between bits. 同时,量子纠缠度量是量子纠缠的数值表征,可以更加方便、直观地得到纠缠比特间的特征。
Stone et al. suggested "graphical effect", that is graphical representation can stimulate stronger risk avoidance of individuals than numerical representation. Stone等人发现了图形效应,即相对于数字而言,图形表征能激发个体更强的风险回避。
As typical case of nonlinear numerical methods, rational interpolation and approximation has attacted more and more attention in numerical approximation, representation of function, CAGD and digital image processing. 作为典型非线性逼近之一的有理函数插值与逼近方法,在数值逼近、函数近似表示、计算机辅助设计及数字图像处理中,越来越引起人们的关注。
It was hypothesized that MLD children had deficit in numerical distance effect and were abnormal in numerical notation effect. These were due to the insufficiently spatial representation of magnitude and encoding mechanism of verbal number. 本研究假设数障儿童数字距离效应缺失,数字符号效应异常,并且这种缺失和异常是由于数量的空间表征和言语数字的编码机制存在缺陷。
This dissertation mainly studied the sequence alignment, the numerical coding method of DNA sequences, mutation analysis, the graphical representation of DNA sequences and the similarity analysis of biological sequences. First, we described a new method for pairwise alignment. 本文将在序列比对、序列的数字编码、突变分析、基于数字编码的图形表示及相似性分析方面进行研究。
In the recent years, the studies on the effect of external representation of risk-communicating information on risk-avoidant behavior were focusing on the comparison of numerical and graphical representation. 近年来,关于风险信息的外部表征方式对风险回避行为的影响研究主要集中在数字和图形两类表征方式的比较上。
Contemporary Beijiang urban region show many feature in the process of urbanization, such as the high level of numerical representation of the urbanization, the uneven geographical distribution, resource exploitation being more pulling effect of urbanization than the traditional agriculture economy. 当代北疆城镇区域的城市化进程主要表现出城市化水平表象数值高、地域分布不均、资源开采对城市化的拉动作用明显大于传统农业经济的影响等特点。
Previous researches demonstrated a close relationship between numerical and spatial magnitudes. Number can be represented as mental number line, and influence many spatial cognitive tasks, which indicated that a common representation may be exist between representing spatial and numerical magnitudes. 前人的研究结果表明数量和空间信息之间存在紧密的联系,数量可以表征为心理数字线,并且对很多空间认知任务产生影响,这提示人脑对空间和数量信息的表征可能存在共同的机制。